Unlucky Days

Nik Notes
1 min readMar 13, 2020

Today is Friday the 13th. Sunday is March 15th, the Ides of March, another unlucky day. Does that mean tomorrow will be especially unlucky because it is sandwiched between two bad luck days?

There is a spoof horror movie called Saturday the 14th. I’ve never actually watched much of it. But I remember TNT used to show it everytime Saturday fell on the 14th. Is TNT still a thing? I haven’t bothered with cable for a long time.

There are of course Friday the 13th horror movies. But none based on the Ides of March. I envision the ghost of Julius Caesar terrorizing Rome. The stars would be tourists from the U.S. Because that’s how Hollywood works.

In the first sequel, these U.S. tourists would go to London. The ghost of Caesar would team up with the ghost of Willam Shakespeare to continue haunting them.

There would need to be several more sequels, one opening every year on March 15th. The quality would of course decline, so eventually the sequels would be direct to video and/or streaming. Or direct to TNT (if it’s still a thing).

Originally published at http://niknotes2020.wordpress.com on March 13, 2020.



Nik Notes

I’ve decided to try my hand at a blog. I started a Word Press site, but thought I’d post my writings on Mediums as well.